All202220212020201920182017201620152014 13 November 2020 Milano Finanza MF EOS IM cede a Obton 23 impianti fovoltaici 13 November 2020 EOS Investment Management sells to Obton 23 photovoltaic plants for a total capacity of 17 MW 29 October 2020 Milano Finanza Eos IM towards closing of the renewables fund 29 October 2020 Milano Finanza EOS IM verso il closing del fondo rinnovabili 6 October 2020 Milano Finanza Il Private Equity tiene il ritmo: Dai dati dell’Osservatorio Liuc emerge che in Italia l’attività nel settore non è stata frenata dalla pandemia 6 October 2020 Forbes Capitals to grow: an event to get to know who supports the Italian companies 6 October 2020 Forbes Capitali per crescere: Un evento per conoscere chi sostiene le aziende italiane 23 July 2020 People for Planet Intervista a Mongillo: Covid-19, investire nelle rinnovabili significa triplicare l’occupazione 12 July 2020 Business Insider Italia Mongillo (Eos): ‘The era of incentives for renewable energies is over. Now we need less bureaucracy’ Load More