All202220212020201920182017201620152014 27 January 2022 ING e UniCredit finanziano gli impianti fotovoltaici promossi da EOS IM e Capital Dynamics con garanzia green di SACE 10 December 2021 EOS RENEWABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II RAGGIUNGE IL SECOND CLOSING A 120 MILIONI DI EURO, CRESCE LA PARTECIPAZIONE DI NUOVI INVESTITORI ISTITUZIONALI 10 December 2021 EOS RENEWABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II REACHES SECOND CLOSING AT 120 MILLION EUROS, WITH GROWING PARTICIPATION OF NEW INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS 1 October 2021 EOS Investment Management sells to Prejeance Industrial 27 photovoltaic and wind plants located in Italy for a total capacity of 32 MW 1 October 2021 EOS Investment Management cede a Prejeance Industrial 27 impianti fotovoltaici ed eolici situati in Italia, per una potenza complessiva di 32 MW 19 January 2021 EOS Investment Management and Capital Dynamics acquire one of the largest unsubsidized solar PV projects in Southern Europe 20 November 2020 EOS Investment Management scores an ‘A’ Rating in its 2020 PRI Rating Sustainable by definition, Responsible by choice 12 November 2020 EOS Investment Management sells to Obton 23 photovoltaic plants for a total capacity of 17 MW 12 November 2020 EOS Investment Management cede a Obton 23 impianti fotovoltaici per una potenza complessiva di 17 MW Load More