All202220212020201920182017201620152014 4 December 2019 EOS IM in soli tre anni, supporta Poplast nel diventare leader del packaging ecosostenibile e completa la vendita 4 December 2019 EOS IM supports Poplast in becoming leader of eco-sustainable packaging in only three years and completes the sale 31 July 2019 EOS IM prosegue gli investimenti nel Design Made in Italy con l’acquisizione di Xilos. Attraverso Eurofiere continua il progetto di crescita nella comunicazione tridimensionale 31 July 2019 EOS IM continues to invest in Made in Italy Design through the acquisition of Xilos 27 May 2019 EOS Investment Management Group e RENERGETICA siglano un accordo per lo sviluppo di una pipeline di autorizzazioni fotovoltai che in Italia per una potenza complessiva fino a 250 MW 27 May 2019 EOS Investment Management Group and RENERGETICA have signed an agreement to develop a pipeline of sites and accompanying authorisations for photovoltaic plants in Italy, with an overall power capacity for up to 250 MW 15 March 2019 Valeria Mongillo appointed as Board Director at The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the United Kingdom 4 February 2019 EOS IM continues aggregation in the flexible packaging sector with the acquisition of FM PLASTIC 4 February 2019 EOS IM, continua l’aggregazione nel settore del flexible packaging con l’acquisizione di FM PLASTIC Load More